RAWker Jax - Original (1/2 pound)

Coming Soon


Coming soon!


This has been our most popular product so far. RAWker Jax are seriously reminiscent of good 'ole Cracker Jacks, only we think, much better!

*This product contains honey.

**While popped Amaranth used in this product is not raw, (everything else is). We could not ignore the fact that it's seeds are packed with exceptionally high amounts of protein, vitamins, minerals, essential amino acids, carbohydrates, and more. They are low in fat and contain no cholesterol. For those allergic to wheat, Amaranth makes an excellent substitute. Amaranth also contains significant levels of vitamin B-complex, E, zinc, phosphorous, etc. organic and freshly popped by us. We believe it's nutty quality and texture combine beautifully with these other fantastic raw, organic ingredients, providing you with an outRAWgeously amazing snack.

Ingredients: Pecans, almonds, cashews, sunflower seeds, hemp seeds, honey, coconut, Himalayan salt.

Note - These are sometimes available in a Spicy Mexican Blend, not for the feint of heart and Tropical Blend which contains fresh mango, raisins, coconut and other goodies.

If you are interested in any of these flavors, please message me and specify PRIOR to placing order.

ORDER: 1/2 pound

Check out our site www.rawfullytempting.com too!

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